Information on the Japan Specialized Newspapers Association And Outline of its Activities
Specialized newspapers technically analyze, report on and review the activities of specific fields, including industrial, economic, educational And cultural, always from a strictly neutral standpoint.
Additionally, these newspapers do the utmost to maintain the order of society, as well as individual and corporate honor and credibility. At the same time, these newspapers strive to make contributions to the sound development and improvement of the entire international society, by reporting promptly and accurately with dignity and achieving the public mission entrusted to us.
The Japan Specialized Newspapers Association was established on February 21, 1947, Aimed at securing paper for newspapers in the midst of postwar economic confusion. The Association was authorized as a corporation on July 20, 1952, by the Ministry of Education’s Agency of Cultural Affairs. We have been active in stabilizing the management of our members and improving the social position of specialized newspapers.
The 80 association members, representatives of the industrial, economic and cultural fields, are accurately, promptly and objectively reporting technical information. We objectively provide specialized information that can serve as guidelines for achieving expected goals and satisfying the demands us.
The Association currently has reporter’s societies in both Japan’s House of Representatives and House of Councilors, as well as at the Ministry of Construction, the National Land Agency and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. We are currently making efforts to set up similar societies at other ministries and government agencies. We have established a news gathering network, whose activities include setting up of reporter’s rooms at various exhibitions and arranging special privileges for news-gathering reporters at special events of the government.
The two major activities of The association are the issuance of The “Japan Specialized Newspaper Guide” and holding of the “Japan Specialized Newspaper Festival”. The 2024 Guide is the 59(fifty-nine) edition. It primarily introduces the business activities of the 80 Association members. To publicize the Association and specialized newspapers, copies of the Guide are distributed to government agencies, embassies, consulates, national and public libraries, corporations, and organizations throughout Japan.
The Japan Specialized Newspaper festival is held annually during Japan’s Newspaper Week in October. The festival consists of a variety of events, including ; the congratulatory address by the Director-General of the agency for Cultural Affairs ; the congratulatory speech by the representative of the Diet members ; the commendation of a company belonging to the Association for special contributions to their field ; the commendation of excellent employees of Association members ; honoring of the winners of the festival theme contest ; awarding of those whose photography is selected in the Photo Contest of Specialized Newspapers for the Ministry of Education Encouragement Award ; and the festival declaration.
Meanwhile, the association is a member of the following organizations ; Japan Business Federation(Keidanren), Tokyo Employers’ Association (Tokeikyo) , The National Council to Promote Ethics of Mass Media, Japan Publishers Copyright Organization, Public Interest Incorporated Association Japan Reproduction Rights Center , The Association For Promoting Fair Elections, and Characters Culture Promotion Organization. The Association collects management information through these organization. Various training sessions and lecture meeting are also held and renowned critics and scholars from the political, economic, cultural and educational fields are invited to participate.